Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well, I was not here to read these stories by the feminist authors, but that doesn't mean that I can't write about my views on feminism.
I find feminists to be kind of annoying. They bring across good points, and being a woman myself, I like that I am being positively represented, but the world is not all about women. Yes, we are underappreciated and therefore should be recognized by the help of feminists, but that doesn't mean that women have the right to rule men. We should be equal, and if it takes a feminist authors, movements, and so on, then they should be present, but once they pass equality, then they should lay off.
I am in ways a feminist, but only to the extent of gaining equality with males. I don't seek to be better than men, but when it becomes a fact that women don't get as much opportunity in the workforce as men, or when it is said that "women can't play sports and guys can", that is when my feminist side is released until those inequalities become equal.

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